
The Skills application allows dynamic management of individual and collective skills, in connection with other key processes of the HR function.

Why choose our Skills application?

  • Career management
  • Analysis and projection
  • Management of skills differences
  • Cartography of the available skills in the company

Main features

Career management and development plan

  • Skills base
  • Links between skills, positions, function sheets, etc.
  • Management of career paths by sector, area of ​​expertise, etc.

Mapping of available skills in the company , in case of :

  • A recruitment
  • A internal movement
  • A training

Management of skills differences and key skills

  • Consolidation of skills assessments (self-declarative, annual interviews, 360 °)
  • Alert report on key skills deficiencies in certain services / critical positions

Discover our others applications

Manage your HR processes in a modular way and connected to all of your other business applications.

Performance management

This application integrates the whole evaluation and progress interview campaign process as well as interfaces for managers and employees.

Talent management

 The Talent management application adapts to the practices implemented in the company to detect, prepare, support individual and collective developments.

Jobs & organization

The Post & Organization application allows you to manage the channels/ trades/ jobs/ positions in an organization, employee assignments and hierarchical attachments.