HR Data Analytics

HR Data Analytics application combine the exploded HR data into different systems and site to present and make them available as reliable, relevant and modifiable indicators.

Why choose our HR Data Analytics application ? 

  • Decision-making & HR dashboards
  • Aggregation of internal and external data
  • Monitoring and traceability of indicators
  • Instant access to all data
  • Management of data access rights
  • Customizing the user interface
  • Automatic data transfer tool
  • Relational database dedicated to HR
  • Real time process management and traceability
  • Adaptability of the fields by the administrator
  • HR Business Intelligence
  • Intuitive input interface

Main features

Monitoring and traceability of indicators

  • Data convergence
  • Coherence inspection and alerts
  • HR Dashboards /Performance indicators
  • Activity report /Automated social assessment
  • Additional HRIS functional module

HR Business Intelligence

  • Centralization of the exploded HR data into different systems and site (multi-format and multi-country in an ergonomic form / dashboards .
  • Different modes of integration or interface are available depending on the update frequency and the volume of data to be processed

Decision-making & HR dashboards

  • Report creation tool and dahsbord/li>
  • Access right management
  • Filter, analyze, merging and calculation of your data
  • Hand use of the HR Team

Discover our others applications

Manage your HR processes in a modular way and connected to all of your other business applications.

Compensation & benefits

The Compensation & beneifts application makes it possible to conduct individual increase campaigns, to carry out in this context different simulations under constraints, and to manage changes in the wage bill.


The Expense application allows you to gain speed, reliability and productivity thanks to the ergonomics of a mobile and collaborative interface.

CSR Dashboards

The CSR Dashboards application organizes the provision of social and economic information. The Premium version calculates more than 50 legal indicators from your HR data.