Steering & profitability
The charges and income from the contract are aggregated in real time to produce an operating account. The rest to be done is updated by the managers for the “package” mode. Each player in the company follows its financial management indicators independently
Why choose our Steering & profitability application ?
- Financial monitoring of missions
- Consolidating the costs and revenues of a mission on a screen
- Business Management Decision Tool
- Reporting tool and dashboards built into the application / Reports edition
- Approximately 50 reports and standard dashboards (Salesforce and Crosstalent) delivered with the application
- Einstein Analytics: new features of BI integrating artificial intelligence

Main features
Financial monitoring of missions
- Aggregation of all expenses charged to mission / contract (CRA / time valuation, external purchases, chargeable fees)
- Updated project operating account
- Automatic alerts with notification of managers as soon as profitability thresholds are reached
- Visibility of indicators and financial tracking information according to the profile and rights of the user
- Calculation of bonus / mali
Business Management Decision Tool
- In-app reporting tool and dashboards
- About 50 pre-configured reports and dashboards delivered with the application
- Einstein Analytics: new features of BI integrating artificial intelligence