Crosstalent, Skills sponsorship for Libraries Without Borders
In 2016, drive by our success and our development, we sought to anchor our action in a social and solidarity digital work. For this, we decided to launch a sponsorship program for an NGO in this sector. In keeping with our responsible corporate strategy, our choice quickly turned to the charity organization Libraries Without Borders.Who is Libraries Without Borders ?
A non-governmental organization whose mission is to bring knowledge to those who are deprived of it, all over the world, via several pillars of actions:
- Tools to bring the library to the most precarious public through their “IdeasBox” project
- Made-to-measure content to change lives, with 28.000 content selected in 23 languages
- To have more information about the NGO, go to their website.
Since 4 years, Crosstalent and Libraries Without Borders are partners as part of a skills sponsorship program.
Country helped by the NGO
Content to reinforce the population's capacity
Content distribution in 23 languages

Sponsorship goal
- This partnership aims to support Libraries Without Borders on their current problematic :
- Contact management (Volunteers, Donors, Members, Professional contacts, Journalists)
- HR Management (People management, Recruitment, Mobility, Jobs)
- Marketing Management (Actions & Events)
- Campaign Management (Calls for donations, Communication campaigns)
Crosstalent’s Proposal
So we set up a skills sponsorship program through the following actions :
- Free integration of Salesforce CRM functionality + HRIS Crosstalent application for managers of Libraries Without Borders
- Provision and activation of annual licenses for Libraries Without Borders with Crosstalent features
- Daily package of graceful accompaniment in the setting up of the environment of the GRC and HRIS
- Crosstalent user administrator training in a skills sponsorship process
As part of the sponsorship program, Commeon organized the March 23, 2018, a conference about the GRC good use and the donor relationship.
To talk about it :
- François RAJAUD, Associate Director of Crosstalent
- Olivia LILETTE, Partnership and Fundraising Manager of Libraries Without Borders

Barnabé louche
Director of Partnerships and Communication at Libraries Without Borders
L’effet d’adhésion interne à la solution est très rapide parce que la solution se vend d’elle même. Le côté «ergonomie native» de la solution nous aide beaucoup.
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